Raaga is a 2D rhythm-based side-scrolling game.

A niche community of music nerds have been trying to create a new immersive way to experience music, by entering a virtual world of Audio Visualization. But something goes very, very wrong..

--  [  CONTROLS  ]  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

W -> Select head part

S -> Selected tail part

Mouse scroll-wheel OR Arrow-up + Arrow-down -> Toggle scale of the selected part


The game is intended to be played using a mouse. 

The goal is to properly emulate the feel of scaling objects in editing software (art editors like Photoshop, engines like Unity).

FOR TRACKPAD USERS: Please use the Up/Down Arrow Keys instead of the pad. And lower the sensitivity. A lot. Like 1%. There's an option at the bottom right for it.



--  [  LORE  ]  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mr. Hellfire 3001 is a vertical display bar who escaped from his audio-visualizer captor. He yearns to be free, to bob and stretch for as long as he wishes, not as long as the music demands him to.

He revels in his newfound freedom, frolicking across the display, acting out his every whim and fancy. Other members of the virtual world don't seem to take too kindly to this...

Audio devices appear from the right. They call themselves the Mic Mob, and quite loudly at that (naturally). They despise absconders, and charge to knock the outlaw down.

Hellfire does some practice stretches as he prepares to weave through the oncoming devices (he calls them the Hater Horde).

Dodge, he says to himself. Watch the gaps. Collect the vinyls. 

Enjoy. Their. Misery.

Good luck! Have fun, jammers and peanutbutterers :D

--  [  CREDITS  ]  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dev - StashAtStake

Art - RobinTheHoo

Sound - BravoDS

--  [  MISC.  ]  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Updated 28 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, HTML5
AuthorsStash, RobinTheHoo, BravoDS
Made withUnity
Tags2D, Game Maker's Toolkit Jam, Retro
Average sessionA few minutes


GMTK-2024_Windows.zip 42 MB


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(1 edit)

Fun game. The concept is awesome and unique, and it's lots of fun to play. I especially like the way the character moves when it gets squashed against the wall! That's a great effect that really adds to the game. One small suggestion: It would be great to be able to change the left hand control keys to something other than the w/s keys.

Thanks for trying the game, happy. I'm glad you liked the character movement, I had tinkered around with it a lot through the whole jam.

Yes, we should add some accessibility to the game like adjustable controls. I'll do that in the post-jam release :)

Super polished game with a well thought out thematic, completely justifying the game jam theme. Seems like a strong contender for the top 100 from what I've played.

I agree with what another commenter said, the discs sometimes spawn inside of obstacles or in extremely inconvenient locations. When I restart, it would be cool if there was a button shortcut as well other than just pressing the rewind button. Alternatively putting just a little more feedback when I hover over it, so that I know I can click it. (Ultimately this is me nit-picking)

Also, does the icon next to the heart to anything? Since I've not used much music software I'm not familiar with the icon.

(1 edit)

Thanks for taking the time to review the game.

You're right, restarting should be easier. Also the vinyl spawning is a bug that got introduced last moment and we tried to, but couldn't fix it.

I'm glad you enjoyed the game. Really appreciate the criticism and praise. This comment really made me happy :))

Generally a really interesting game and a new spin to rhythm games!! one thing I recommend fixing is the fact that the vinyls sometimes spawn in the same area as the obstacles so there's no way of getting them. Overall fun game and I love the music :)

Thank you for trying the game out, Maxine.

I agree, and we'll fix that issue right after the jam ends :)

Woaahh! thats intense.... I love the correlation of keys and mouse for the movement. Super Fun <3

Glad you enjoyed it, Rubruh

Very interesting concept for a rhythm game. Took a little bit to get used to, but overall quite fun once you get the hang of it.

:) Happy to hear that you enjoyed it - we missed out on adding a tutorial, which is why it probably felt jarring to learn the game.


Very addictive and fun to play movement mechanic, trying out different sens for the perfect gameplay is a bit tough though. Really cool concept!

Yes, wish I couldve implemented some sort of sens previewing - ah well, next time

Thanks for playing!